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Showing posts from May, 2020

Paraparesis case 1

Hello I am G RITEESH ROLL NO 56  final year mbbs student  I was given this case of paraparesis The entire details of the case are given in link below. Please go through the link before reading  how I came to the diagnosis         The points to be understood before going in to the diagnosis are: 1. His age 18 years male 3.complaints. That is bilateral lower limb weakness 4.other complaints like Edema non pitting type 5.difficulty in squatting and getting back to his standing position  6. Difficulty in wearing chappals  7.abnormals findings in investigations are:                       CUE .albumins  positive                                        ...

42 years old women with multiple health events since birth

By.G RITEESH         ROLL NO. 56  General medicine case discussion on a 42 year old women with multiple health events since birth you can find the entire real patient clinical problem in this link    From the information collected her current issues are :  Current issues-  frequent falls to the left. Left foot started giving out as well as hand. one fall down stairs sprained and broke ankle (last year). Still  require large amounts of salt to not feel sick (more salt needed when feeling sick) Ingest about 2-4 Tbs a day. Poor stress response. Swelling/ hair loss  (head and eyelashes) Fatigue. Left jaw pain up into face. Breathing is always struggle for me. Intolerance from most foods, smoke. I never sweat generally sick or not sick. Swelling from emotional stress, eating the wrong thing, exercise, smoke.  Weakness ...